Practical Dermatology® magazine delivers practical solutions for patient care and practice success in print and online. Each monthly edition features expert advice on medical and cosmetic patient management and practice development, written by and for clinicians. Thought leaders direct content development and offer insights, keeping in mind the time restraints and productivity demands of today’s prescribers. In addition to our flagship print publication Practical Dermatology® offers the groundbreaking video site DermTube and DermWire. Our sister publication, Modern Aesthetics® magazine delivers practical coverage of minimally invasive rejuvenation procedures and practice growth for dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and facial plastic surgeons. Its digital counterparts are,, and AestheticsWire. Together, these two publications and their associated properties capture and report the pulse of the dermatology and aesthetics communities. Both are published by Bryn Mawr Communications III, LLC, an innovator in medical publishing since 2001.